

畢業學年 系所 姓名 論文題目 個人網頁
100 電機所 陳彥銘 Coded Noncoherent Transmission Schemes for Near-Capacity Performance
103 電機所 李晃昌 Decoding Scheduling for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes
106 電機所 賴韋旻 Coding and modulation for two Raptor coded wireless communication systems
106 電機所 楊宗杰 Signal processing and LDPC decoding architectures for NAND flash memory systems
107 電機所 李茂睿 Algorithm and Architecture Designs for Efficient Layered LDPC Decoders
107 通訊所 孫唯晟 Iterative receivers for LDPC-coded MIMO systems
108 電機所 鄭仲超 High-Throughput Architecture Designs for Modern Error-Correction Codes (ECC) Decoders


畢業學年 系所 姓名 論文題目
95 積電專班 鄭仲超 A fast-convergence decoding method and memory- efficient VLSI decoder architecture for LDPC codes in IEEE 802.16e standard
95 積電專班 簡輔辰 Study on the Decoding Algorithms for LDPC Codes Constructed from Euclidean Geometry
96 電機所 吳宗晟 An LDPC decoder with low area complexity for mobile WiMAX
96 電機所 吳承恩 Memory access for QC-LDPC decoder with fast convergence speed
96 電機所 林俊宇 A fast-convergence MIMO-BICM scheme
96 電機所 蘇柏憲 A study of PAPR-reduction techniques for turbo coded MIMO-OFDM systems
96 電機所 郭昌翰 A novel turbo equalization scheme for interference channels
96 電機所 陳本敖 An Efficient LT-code based Hybrid ARQ Scheduling Scheme for Broadcast Communication Systems
97 電機所 林琦祐 Performance improvement of LDPC coded systems by dynamic scheduling and selective mapping
97 電機所 趙英辰 A Codeword-Interleaved Transmission/Receiving Scheme for Noncoherent Communication
97 通訊所 陳春榮 An LDPC decoder using vertical shuffled scheduling and early termination
97 電機所 羅啟倫 ARQ algorithms using 1-bit acknowledgement against erasure channels for Growth codes based on multicast communication
97 電機所 王冠傑 A multi-mode decoder architecture for RS-LDPC codes
97 電機所 張家豪 Performance improvements for LDPC coded systems
97 電機所 廖哲偉 A high-throughput decoder architecture for irregular LDPC codes
98 電機所 汪宇倫 Processing-task Arrangement for a Low-complexity Full-mode WiMAX LDPC Codec
98 通訊所 葉繕銘 Dynamic Scheduling Algorithms Using Modified Residual Belief Propagation for UEPLDPC Codes
98 電機所 彭建濂 A scheduling Algorithm for Higher-throughput Efficient Multi-mode LDPC decoder
98 電機所 梁振業 An Efficient Layered Decoding Architecture Using Selective Algorithm for Non-Binary QC-LDPC Codes
99 電機所 甘禮昇 Jointly Designed Architecture-Aware LDPC Convolutional Codes and Its Memory-based Parallel Shuffled Decoder Architecture
99 電機所 蘇忠政 Jonit non-coherent detection and side-information extraction for lower-compleity PTS-based OFDM systems
99 電機所 葉芷芸 Scheduling Techniques for Rateless Codes using Belief Propagation Decoding
99 通訊所 蕭浩中 LDPC coded noncoherent space-time modulation using information-bearing pilot and spacial multiplexing
99 電機所 賴韋旻 Distributed Unitary Space-Time Modulation Schemes Using Raptor Codes
100 電機所 楊柏彰 Hardware-friendly Shuffled Message Passing Decoding with Application to Efficient Multi-standard LDPC Decoder Design
100 電機所 吳立夫 A high-throughput LDPC decoder architecture using idle-cycle-free shuffled scheduling
100 電機所 翁晟佑 A soft-input-soft-output Chase decoder architecture using distance-based decoding
100 電機所 陳嘉緯 Look-Up Table Based Differential Modulation Using LDCs for Block Fading Channel
100 電機所 羅浩綸 Rateless-coded Cooperative Transmission Schemes Using Full-duplex DF and CF Protocols
101 電機所 陳書偉 An Error-Floor Lowering technique for Non-binary QC-LDPC Codes
101 電機所 黃亭潁 An energy-efficient dual-mode soft-decision BCH decoder for wireless body area network
101 電機所 廖國軒 A High-Throughput Trellis-Based Layered Decoding Architecture for Non-binary LDPC Codes Using Max-Log-QSPA
101 電機所 楊政達 A Fully-Parallel LDPC Decoder Architecture Using Probabilistic Min-Sum Algorithm for High-Throughput Applications
101 電機所 彭祥恩 A minimal-trellis-module based searching method for convolutional codes
101 電機所 詹志偉 Generator matrix design and degree-oriented scheduling for the fast convergence of rateless codes
101 電機所 李茂睿 Time-Domain Minimum-Value Finders for LDPC Applications
102 電機所 陳冠群 Bit-interleaved Coded Differential Modulation Schemes for Correlated Fading Channels
102 電機所 吳維軒 Design and Implememtation of an Iterative Detection and Decoding Receiver for LDPC coded MIMO Systems
102 電機所 胡鈞凱 A Reduced-Complexity Layered Decoder Architecture for High Rate QC-LDPC Codes
102 電機所 周學志 A Low-Complexity LDPC Codec for NAND Flash Memory
102 電機所 施建亨 LDPC Coded Modulation and Its Applications to MLC Flash Memory
102 電機所 蔡杰廷 Two Constructions of Permutation-based QC-LDPC Codes
102 電機所 陳煜昕 Sensor Clustering Based Cooperative Information Aggregation Schemes for Distributed Estimation in Wireless Sensor Network
102 電機所 方鋮宇 A Compressive Sensing Scheme of Image Sensing and Recovering for Single-Pixel Camera
103 電機所 謝杰燊 A Hardware-friendly Error- floor Lowering Technique for High-rate QC-LDPC Codes
103 電機所 周柏均 A study on soft feature extraction for iris authentication using error correcting code and hidden Markov model
103 電機所 楊政哲 Constructions of QC-LDPC Code Based on Masking and PDF
103 電機所 侯盈吉 Implementation of Flexible QC-LDPC codec on FPGA
103 通訊所 吳秉澐 Spatial Coupling of Polar Codes
103 通訊所 林祺富 LDPC-coded Generalized Space Shift Keying schemes for Massive MIMO Systems
103 電機所 黃冠勳 Iterative Soft-decision Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes Using Informed Dynamic Scheduling
104 通訊所 官亭宇 A Hardware Design of LDPC Coded Modulation Scheme for Flash Memory Applications
104 通訊所 陳楚天 A Shuffled LDPC Decoder Architecture for Error-Floor Evaluation
104 電機所 黃亦村 Constructions of RC-LDPC Code Based on Splitting and Extending
104 電機所 周柏橋 An Efficient Layered Decoder Architecture with Error-Floor Lowering Technique for High-Rate QC-LDPC Codes
104 電機所 黃俊傑 A modified belief propagation algorithm and hardware architecture for polar codes
104 電機所 蘇詠翔 Dynamic Scheduling for Rate-Compatible LDPC Convolutional Codes
104 電機所 林柏華 Application of LDPC Coded Modulation to NAND Flash
104 通訊所 林柏諺 Performance Evaluation of LDPC coded 8-PAM using FPGA
104 電機所 李易學 Low-complexity Generalized Spatial Modulation Schemes Using Codeword-assisted Massive MIMO Detectors
105 電機所 王鈞毅 A Collaborated Stochastic LDPC Decoder Architecture with Effective Probability Tracer
105 電機所 吳俊翰 A Near Maximum-Likelihood Soft-Decision Decoding Algorithm For Reed-Solomon Codes
105 通訊所 蔡宗霖 A Hardware-Friendly Expediting Belief Propagation Decoding for Polar Codes
105 通訊所 林千竣 A spatial-coupled sparse code multiple access scheme
105 電機所 黃弘任 Hardware design for non-binary LDPC decoders
105 通訊所 王俊清 Rate-compatible (RC) LDPC coding
106 電機所 莊立珉 A Modefied Gradient Descent Bit Flipping Decoding Scheme for LDPC Codes
106 電機所 吳則諺 Design of Protograph-based LDPC coded Modulation using IDD receiver
106 電機所 洪偵量 A* Decoding of Polar Codes
106 電機所 李立中 LDPC Encoder and Decoder Design for the Next Generation Communication and Storage Systems
107 電機所 鮑榆昇 An Early Termination Scheme for SCL-based Polar Decoder
107 電機所 梁慶儀 Hardware-friendly LDPC Decoding Scheduling for 5G HARQ
107 電機所 張毅勤 An Efficient Successive Cancellation List Decoder for Polar Codes
107 通訊所 鄭柏偉 Deep Learning Aided Sequential Reliability-Boosting Belief Propagation List Decoding for Polar Codes
107 通訊所 林禹菲 Stock Index Forecast via a Recurrent Neural Network Base on the Zero-Crossing Rate Approach
107 電機所 王楷昕 A Study of Improving Polar Codes by Spatial Coupling
107 電機所 高庭國 Implementation of Error Control Coding for Digital Wireless Microphones
107 電機所 羅明益 An Offline Signature Verification System Based on Deep Siamese Neural Networks
107 電機所 蘇侑晨 Seal Imprint Verification Using SVM and Edge Difference
107 電機所 林鈺恆 Post Processing for CRC-aided List Successive Cancellation Polar Decoding
108 電機所 紀証壹 A Successive Cancellation List Decoding Using Variable List Sizes for Polar Codes
108 通訊所 鄭佳昇 Design of SCMA Schemes with Balanced BER and PAPR Performances
108 電機所 李欣佑 A Bit-Reliability Based Node-Wise List Successive Cancellation Polar Decoder with Post Processing


系所 姓名 Email 個人網頁
通訊所 Ankita Jindal
通訊所 Shafi Jindal
通訊所 黃子銘
電機所 黃子軒


系所 姓名 研究組別
電機所 褚偉翔 IC Group
電機所 孫語苓 Machine Learning Group
電機所 潘詣涵 IC Group
電機所 呂宗祐 Machine Learning Group
電機所 林嘉皓 IC Group
電機所 藍國瑞 IC Group
通訊所 劉諭昕 IC Group
電機所 戴雅炘 IC Group
電機所 梁富翔 IC Group
電機所 胡定安 IC Group
電機所 謝文雄 IC Group
電機所 林廷璋 IC Group
電機所 呂羿葦 IC Group
電機所 劉家泓 IC Group
電機所 藍聖評 IC Group
電機所 王偉丞 IC Group
電機所 楊子毅 IC Group
電機所 賴宥儒 IC Group
電機所 陳爾皓 IC Group